
This day happens once in every 4 years

Yeah. I'm so creative with blog entry titles. Also, stupid weather. Now it's all sunny and spring-like again and all the snow that kept falling non-stop yesterday melted last night when the snow turned into rain.

First of all, Kasia, if you are reading this (I know you're stalking my blog lol), I wanna let you know that our Lotti/Gil drawing inspired some cool smutty roleplays on Tumblr. 8)))


Unfinished version of this. I think it looks SO MUCH BETTER with the textures.

Looong overdue request of someone's characters. This is the 4th version and I'm finally uploading a wip, cuz I think I'll go with this version. I hate how the guy looks here, though. OTL

Very fast sketch of my cute little girl character, Amarevia. This name almost became my own second name through the years I spent using it doing stuff online, but it originally belonged to this character. I have to admit, now I think she's a little bit like Alice from PH, lol.

Sketch versus lineart. The pic really does change a lot in the process, doesn't it? 8D

Aaand here's something I started sketching today. Can you guess who this is? 8)

My rants about Pandora Hearts Retrace 70.
Click "Read more" to read them!

Well, this chapter was possibly the biggest mindfuck after Retrace 65 and we totally should have seen it coming.
I don't think Oz will die. I think it wouldn't make sense. His entire character was about learning to appreciate himself and finding out the truth about himself. He must be strong enough to overcome everything. Did you see the cover page of Retrace 69? Oz seems to be resisting Jack who's trying to drag him down. Oz must prove that he isn't "nothing".

I didn't like Jack in the beginning. I didn't hate him but I didn't like how he was ordering everyone around without revealing anything crucial. :| But then after Retrace 65, I felt he suddenly got interesting, he got more depth as a character and I started really liking him, but now I'm not sure whether to love him or hate him. I just hope Mochizuki won't disappoint us.
Right now it seems that the main villain of the story is Jack. I still had doubts about him after chapter 65, partly because he was showing remorse and crying while he stabbed Gil and all he did then seemed like he was struggling between trying to get Lacie back no matter what and hurting other people he might have liked and this made me sympathize with him. But in chapter 70, he shows no signs of hesitation or remorse. I've always liked this pleasant "grayness" of the characters in PH, but Jack is suddenly too black now. He just destroys everybody who gets in his way and doesn't give a damn about anybody but Lacie. Also, his infatuation with Lacie is shallow. I just don't feel it's justified. And I can't believe he didn't meet a single other person in the 8 years while he didn't see Lacie who was kind to him, although it could be that Jack was too blinded by his obsession to notice anyone else. I was hoping at least his friendship with Oswald would turn out to be genuine, but after Lacie's death, Jack was just deceiving and using him.

You know I love Vincent. Vincent's love for Gil is a beautiful thing and I can completely understand the reasons why Vincent loves Gil so much and why he has always been so dependent on him. I can even understand Gil's extreme loyalty to his master. But I just don't understand Jack's obsession with Lacie. I mean, he spent a few days with her and she was the first person who acknowledged him and talked to him and spent some time with him, but is that really reason enough for Jack to go so far for Lacie? Really? I know Jack is sort of a psycho too, but still, is that a good enough excuse?
Vincent is willing to erase his existence believing the tragedy won't happen without him and Gil can live happily ever after. However, at this point it seems that Jack wants to have Lacie back only because he can't imagine his own miserable existence without Lacie, which is a completely selfish goal. Unless maybe if Lacie herself told him something before she was cast into the Abyss...
Maybe Vincent would do the same thing if Gil died and he could bring him back somehow, but it would be still more justified than Jack's random infatuation with a girl he barely knows. I think Jack's character is a little shallow in this aspect. I really want him to like at least Alice a little. (That sentence about Lacie's wish gives me hope, though.)

So yeah, I just wanted to get this out of my system, lol. I'll try to draw more tomorrow~~

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