

I'm such a kid. Yesterday, it snowed all day and it made me so happy. XDD The snowing continued until about noon today. I was watching it for a while early in the morning from my window and the snow was sparkling in the light of the street lamps, it was so pretty! I was about to give up on seeing more snow than just a few drops this winter, but  now we finally got some cold (VERY cold) and a decent amount of snow.

Drawings. KICK MEEE!! PLEASE?! I should draw more. I have a sketch which has the potential to be one of my best drawings if I finish it. I started doing the lineart yesterday and couldn't draw one character's face decently, kept erasing and redrawing, then eventually gave up. OTL (For now.)
I gave up on creating original things a while ago almost completely, but I'm not good enough even as a fanartist. I'm stalking a couple of artists on Tumblr and I'm always like "how can they draw so much? why is even their sketchy stuff so good? why can't I draw half as well as this person when I'm 5 years older and I have been doing digital art for 6 years and she's just a hobbyist like me?" Anyway, I've been trying to draw, but everything I do sucks.

First of all, while I was working on my Glen portrait, I noticed that the same file looked slightly different in Sai and Photoshop. The only thing I don't like in Sai is that the shades don't seem to blend as nicely as they do in PS. Different shades have this "edge" in Sai that I can't delete no matter what tool I use. When I open the same file in PS, it looks smoother.

Quick sketch of Leo. I stopped drawing/colouring this, cuz I didn't like how it was turning out. :\

Break. This one was inspired by a cosplay photo. I can't draw his hair.

This is COMPLETE UTTER SHIT. This is what happens when you try to draw something cool and dynamic and then you realize during the process that you cannot draw dynamic things to save your life and the result turns out looking like crap and 200% static lol. I'm just posting this to show you how bad my really quick sketches are. -___-;

Okay, here's a sample from the Pandora Hearts fanart calendar. We are seriously making a calendar (actually two calendars). In fact, I'm already done with the first 12 months. It's more difficult to do than it seems, but it's turning out better than I expected at first. I'm not sure when it will be done, because we still don't have a 2nd June pic, but I hope we can finish it before March... >___<;;;

I want to draw moaaar, I'll go now...
Oh, and some people take and edit even the sketches I post here on this blog without permission. Is it so hard to contact me and ask for my permission first? D: I may have to start watermarking even my doodles, lol.

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